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Electric-Pneumatic Valve Locator


Electric-Pneumatic Valve Locator
Electric-Pneumatic Valve Locator

ZPD-2000 electric-pneumatic valve locator is main matching meter in industrial automation of pneumatic actuators, can be used for improving valve position of linearity, overcome the stem friction and eliminate regulator unbalance force influence etc, thus ensuring the valve position by adjusting instruments 0-10MA. DC or 4-20MA, DC current signal is proportional relation, achieve correct positioning. Electric-pneumatic valve locator can match pneumatic diaphragm actuators, also can equip with pneumatic piston actuators, Shanghai Fengqi locators have double functions of electric-pneumatic converter and pneumatic valve locator. Therefore, it is widely used in petroleum, chemical, metallurgical, power, textile, paper and other industrial automation, is the indispensable product in industrial automation instrument.

main technical parameters

equipped valve pneumatic diaphragm regulator pneumatic piston regulator angle stroke regulator
input current 0~10(0~5、5~10) 4~20(4~12、12~20)
impedance signal 0~10MA.Dc product:1000±300Ω
signal 4~20MA.Dc product:300±10Ω
air supply pressure 0.14~0.25 0.25~0.5 0.25~0.5
valve stroke 10~100mm 10~100mm 50~90
intrinsic error ≤±1 ≤±1.5 ≤±2
back differential ≤1 ≤1.5 ≤2
dead zone(%) ≤0.4 ≤0.6 ≤0.8

Specifications table

type input signal
air supply pressure
output pressure
equipped actuator stroke scope explosion-proof type input impedance Ω
ZPD-2111 4~20 0.14 0.02~0.1 pneumatic diaphragm straight stroke
10~100mm     angle stroke
EEx e
(eⅡT6)   exd
(dⅡBT6)   Exi
ZPD-2112 0.25~0.30 0.04~0.2
ZPD-2121 4~12
0.14 0.02~0.1
ZPD-2122 0.25 0.04~0.2
ZPD-2131 0~10 0.14 0.02~0.1 1000
ZPD-2132 0.25 0.04~0.2
ZPD-2141 0~55~10 0.14 0.02~0.1
ZPD-2142 0.25 0~0.5
ZPD-2211 4~20 0.5   pneumatic piston 300
ZPD-2221 4~12
ZPD-2231 0~10 1000
ZPD-2241 0~5