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Work Safety Assurance of producing factory 1

Article production and business units shall have the laws, regulations and mandatory standards prescribed safety production conditions. Do not have safety production conditions, and shall not engage in production and operation activities.
         Production and business units shall abide by the following safety requirements:
         (A) production and business premises and facilities and equipment comply with safety requirements;
         (B) the establishment of safety rules and regulations and operating procedures;
         (3) to ensure safety of funds necessary for the production inputs;
         (4) to provide meet the national standards or industry standards of labor protection supplies;
         (5) Set safety management agency or with safe production and management personnel;
         (6) is mainly responsible for production management and safety officers safety training and passed examinations;
         (7) employees through safety education and training of qualified, special operations officers from the safe operation of specialized training and special operations to achieve operational qualification certificate.
         Article XI primarily responsible for production and business units shall perform the "The People's Republic of China Production Safety Law," under the responsibilities and regularly reviews the safety issues, to the staff representatives of the General Assembly, the shareholders of the General Assembly the report of production safety, acceptability production safety supervision departments and relevant departments The supervision and inspection of trade unions, employees of the democratic supervision over work safety. Responsible persons in charge of production and business units assist primarily responsible to the performance of safety responsibility.
         Article XII of the safety of production and business units of production management institutions and safety management personnel has the following duties:
         (A) The implementation of the national production safety laws, regulations and standards;  (2) facilitate the development of safety rules and regulations and safety technical operation;  (3) to carry out safety inspections of potential hazards and urge the business sector and timely rectification;  (4) to carry out safety information, education and training, sum up and promote the safe production experience;  (5) participating in new construction, renovation, expansion of safety facilities of construction projects to review, management and payment of labor protection articles;  (6) to assist investigate and deal with production safety incident, to conduct casualty statistics, analysis and reporting;  (7) other safe production.
         Article XIII production and business units shall establish the responsibility of safe production, inspection, education and training, rewards and punishments as well as facilities and equipment, safety management, staffing and management of labor protection articles, dangerous work safety management, special operations management, incident reporting processing rules and regulations.
         Article XIV of construction, hazardous materials and other high-risk industries (hereinafter referred to as high-risk industries), and metal smelting, ship repair, power, handling and so on greater risk industries (hereinafter referred to as greater risk industries), as well as the production of more than 300 employees business units should be established Production Safety Committee. 300 or fewer units of production and operation can be established Production Safety Committee.
         Production and business units of Production Safety Committee by the unit primarily responsible persons in charge of person in charge of production safety, security, production management agencies and related agencies, the safety management and union representatives and employees representatives.
         Production Safety Committee review the production of this unit annual security plan and implementation of major safety production technology projects, safety in production of inputs, etc., research and review of the unit on important matters relating to production safety and supervise the implementation of measures to eliminate potential causes of accidents. Production Safety Committee to convene a meeting at least once every six months, the meeting should be recorded in writing.
         15th of production and business unit decision-making body is responsible for individual business person or investor must ensure safety of the capital investment necessary for the production, and production safety funding included in the annual production and business plans and financial budget.
         Safety funds for safe production technology projects, facilities and equipment, advocacy, education and training and incentives, labor protection products, safety in production of new technologies, new processes, new materials, major hazard monitoring and management, emergency rescue equipment, reserve supplies, as well as other safety production. Safety of funds shall not be used for other purposes.
         In addition to Article XVI of laws and regulations otherwise specified, high-risk industry, production and business units, with less than 300 employees, with at least one full-time safety management personnel; employed 300 people or more, with at least three full-time safety management personnel; employees 1000 or more, with at least eight full-time safety management personnel; employed 5000 people or more, with at least 15 full-time safety management personnel.
         Larger units of production and operation of hazardous industries, employing 300 people or more, with at least two full-time safety management personnel; employed 1000 people or more, with at least five full-time safety management personnel; practitioners with more than 5000 At least, with 10 full-time safety management personnel.
         The preceding two paragraphs other than the production and business units with more than 300 employees, with at least one full-time safety management personnel; employed 1000 people or more, with at least two full-time safety management personnel; employed 5000 people above, with at least five full-time safety management personnel.
         Article XVII construction units and dangerous goods is mainly responsible for production and business units in charge of production safety and the person in charge of pre-service should be involved in security training and passed examinations; and other production and business units primarily responsible for production safety and the responsible persons in charge of within three months in office, should be involved in security training and passed examinations.
         Production safety management personnel should be involved in pre-service safety training and pass examinations.
         18th of production and business activities, employees enjoy the following rights:
         (A) In the collective contracts, labor contracts, states that labor safety, the prevention of occupational hazards and injury matters such as social insurance;  (2) to understand their workplaces, jobs exist in risk factors and prevention, emergency measures to be in line with national standards or industry standards of labor protection supplies;  (3) of this unit of work safety problems in making recommendations, criticisms, report and prosecute;  (4) refuses to gives directives to compel the requirements of operational risk and found that directly endanger the personal safety, they can cease operation or take possible contingency measures, evacuation work sites;  (5) of production safety accidents claim compensation after damage;  (6) laws and regulations of the other rights.
         Production and business activities, employees shall perform the following obligations:
         (A) strictly abide by safety rules and regulations of this unit and the operating procedures;  (2) to accept safety education and training;  (3) timely reporting of potential causes of accidents and the factors of insecurity;  (4) laws and regulations of other obligations.
         Production and business units shall not refuse the reasonable demands of employees. Production safety supervision department, the relevant departments and trade unions should be legally entitled to maintain the safety of employees the right to stop production and business units in a timely manner against the safety of employees the right to act.
         19th production business unit of the following persons shall timely safety education and training:
         (A) New employees;
         (B) undergo more than six months, or changing of the guard of the practitioners;
         (C) the adoption of new technology, new technology, new materials, new equipment or use the relevant practitioners.
         Production and business units should be-the-job practitioners to conduct regular safety education and training.
         Employees without a safety education and training of qualified, and shall not be assigned to posts.
         Diversities safety education and training in time in accordance with relevant provisions of the State and the city, costs borne by the production units.
         Production and business units may entrust safety intermediary service institutions or related industries, organizing the implementation of safety education and training.
         21st of safety education and training includes safety laws, rules and regulations, safe operation of basic skills and basic knowledge of security technologies, operating areas and jobs exist in risk factors, preventive measures and emergency measures, labor protective equipment performance and usage, as well as the safety of others who need to master knowledge of production.
         Safety education and training should be credited to employees in production safety record card, record card by the assessment staff and practitioners should be my signature.
         22nd of hazardous chemicals, civil and construction blasting equipment such as production and business units in the pre-production, it should be in accordance with "safe production license regulations" apply to the relevant departments of production safety license.
         23rd production business unit for large-scale public events hosted by temporary buildings, structures and facilities, equipment, safety performance, it should be qualified by the corresponding body detection, test and qualification.
         24th section used for the production, storage of dangerous goods safety facilities construction project design, submitted to the safety review of regulatory authorities and relevant departments should provide a safety evaluation of qualified intermediary services organizations providing security conditions and safety demonstration evaluation report. Review the department to review results.  used for the production, storage of dangerous goods for completion of construction projects put into production or prior to use, and production safety supervision departments and relevant departments should be the safety of the project acceptance facilities. Project experience qualified income only after officially put into production and use.
