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Management on the safety in production by supervision

32nd of the city people's governments at all levels and relevant departments implements the administrative responsibility system for production safety.
         City and district and county people's governments and relevant departments of the principal responsible persons of this region, the industry's safety management of the primary responsibility for taking charge of the person in charge of production safety in accordance with law held accountable.
         33rd of district and county governments and municipal departments meet at least once every quarter safety conference, analysis of this region, the industry situation and the situation of safe production, research, deployment to prevent major accidents occurred in measures and programs, to coordinate and resolve safety in the work of major problems.
         34th of city and district and county people's government shall organize relevant departments of production safety supervision departments and business units for production safety work, and prone to accidents of production and operation sites, or construction equipment, facilities and places of production safety checks.
         Production safety supervision departments and relevant departments of the Joint Inspection can be implemented, using regular inspections to spot checks at any time means the units of production and operation safety inspections.
         35th of municipal work safety supervision department shall report regularly to the district or county people's governments and relevant departments of production safety accident notification, to place significant and serious production safety accidents, and social impact of large, typical incidents of a serious nature shall be notified promptly.
         City safety production supervision of production safety situation and the major production safety accident, it should be on a regular basis to the public on major and serious production safety incident, as well as the social impact of large, typical incidents of a serious nature should be timely publication of relevant information.
         36th of the city to establish a significant risk to source information monitoring system, the implementation of major hazard sources municipal and district and county levels, supervision.
         Production safety supervision departments shall, jointly with relevant departments to conduct registration of major hazard sources, review the safety of major hazard evaluations.
         37th of city and district and county people's government safety regulatory authorities and relevant departments under the municipal emergency rescue plans in general, to introduce the administrative regions of production safety accidents emergency rescue plan for the establishment of an emergency rescue system.
         Emergency rescue plan should include the establishment of an emergency command system, clear responsibilities of relevant departments of the emergency rescue, emergency rescue teams set up to determine the emergency rescue and technical experts, the establishment of rescue equipment information database to determine the transport, medical, supplies, funding, and security safeguards, plans to conduct emergency rescue drills and so on.
         38th of production safety supervision departments should establish a registration system of production safety violations, in the safety record of production and business units on a page and its main person in charge of production safety violations relating to intermediary service organizations and deal with the situation. All units and individuals have the right to query.
         39th Article of any units or individuals found to have major production and business units of potential hazards or safety violations, and the right to safe production supervision departments and relevant departments to report; right to report meritorious officers, from the safety production supervision departments or the departments concerned to reward .
         Production safety supervision departments and relevant departments should confidentiality of whistle-blowers.
         40th of the city to encourage production and business units for occupational health and safety management system certification to facilitate the production and business units to improve production safety conditions, and improve safety in production management level.
