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Legal obligation

The 41st acts in violation of regulations, "Safety Production Law of The People's Republic of China" and other relevant laws and regulations have been penalties, the penalties in accordance with its provisions.
        Forty-production business units are not in accordance with the provisions of Article XVI of this Ordinance is equipped with a full-time safety management personnel, from the safety production supervision department shall order within a time limit; overdue correction, and ordered to cease and rectification, and may be fined in accordance with law, fine the amount of press is not equipped with safety management personnel count, each equipped with a small fine of 5000 yuan a person.
        43rd production business unit head in charge of production safety, security, production and management personnel is not in accordance with the provisions of Article XVII of this Ordinance to participate in safety training, from the safety production supervision department shall order the unit within a time limit; overdue correction, and may be five above two thousand yuan shall be imposed.
        44th 19th in violation of the Ordinance provides that employees did not conduct safety education and training, from production safety supervision department shall order it within a time limit; overdue correction, and ordered to cease and rectification, and may be fined in accordance with law, fine the amount by the number of total employees are not trained for each training, a small fine on 500 yuan.
        Violation of the provisions of Article 45th Article 27th blasting, large-scale equipment (components) lifting and other dangerous operations, safety management has not signed the agreement, or does not set the job site security zone, from the safety production supervision department shall order correction, and production and operation can be entrusted with the construction units and units of fishery exercising million or above 200,000 yuan shall be imposed.
        46th production business unit of production safety accidents occurred causing bodily injury, it should be in accordance with state and city requirements related injury insurance, for compensation for injured employees; constitutes a crime, they shall be held criminally responsible.
        47th production business unit, or the parties to the safety production supervision departments or the departments concerned refuses to accept the specific administrative act may, in accordance "PRC Administrative Reconsideration Law" or "PRC Administrative Litigation Law" requirement, apply for administrative reconsideration or bring administrative proceedings.
        Production and business unit or the parties to the specific administrative act fails to apply for reconsideration, not to mention lawsuits, not fulfilled, the specific administrative acts of the safety production supervision departments or the departments concerned to apply for court for enforcement.
        48th of safety production supervision departments or the relevant departments directly in charge and other directly responsible personnel neglect their duties, abuse of power, practice favoritism, or disclosure of informants, and by their unit or higher authority shall be given administrative sanctions; constitute a crime shall be held criminally responsible.
        Chapter V Supplementary Provisions
        49th Article of the Regulations March 1, 2005 into effect. August 20, 1997, Shanghai Tenth People's Congress Standing Committee 38th meeting, adopted the "Shanghai Labor Protection Supervision Regulations" be annulled simultaneously.
