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Improve leaders’ business quality and safety consciousness

For the building of the contingent of cadres and workers, the most important thing is to strengthen the education and training of all cadres and workers, that is, comrades said the same sea, "Enhancing Kung Fu." Education and training, including both the enhancement of safety training, improve safety awareness; the second is to strengthen professional training and improve the professional quality.
         Safety training must be a result of the person, to ensure that practical results. Production safety management leadership should pay attention to the responsibility of education, universal force in the country of production safety laws and regulations to ensure that knowing the law, legitimate business. Security Central Office should be placed on the newly appointed executive leadership training, firmly tighten the string of safety; right workshop director, director of oil tanks, wells captain, gas station owners and other grass-roots cadres, focusing on training, standards and industry standards group production safety management system, direct operating procedures of the safety management system to ensure that safety oversight in place; should strengthen its grass-roots level security management training, it is necessary to provide them with technical exchanges and learning opportunities, and the importance of the cultivation of grass-roots level security managers to encourage grass-roots level security managers assumed heavy responsibilities, so that they feel work momentum, management pressure, results to be sure, success in work and practice in problem solving skills; right education and training of front-line operators must proceed from the actual combat, combined with HSE management System of implementation, to enhance staff capacity to hazard identification and risk control training to enhance self-protection awareness, truly "three no harm." To take advantage of the accident exercise plans, the typical form of education, accident cases, the real income of the security knowledge of the brain and heart, improving their ability to deal with unexpected incidents. Beginning this year, security arrangements for someone to grasp the EPA safety education training, absorbed a good experience and practice of some companies for the characteristics of different stages of production safety, timely issued a strong safety education targeted reading, and strengthen enterprise security education and training, inspections and examinations, and urge enterprises to truly do a good job safety training this task realistically.
         In professional training, should adhere to the principles apply their knowledge, research to develop practical training programs, implement the competent authorities seriously implement them. To be used post training, instructors with Christians such as flexible and diverse forms, cadres and workers to stimulate enthusiasm in learning the business and strive to use 2 to 3 years time will be all the professional quality of cadres and workers to a new level.
